The Eternal war of machine
The primary attraction of a leading robotics competition, known as Yuddha Yantraka-Robowar, showcases the enduring spectacle of two robots engaged in an intense face-off, each striving to be the last one standing. This platform offers an exceptional opportunity for challengers to demonstrate their expertise in the realm of robotics, their intellectual acumen, and their unwavering fighting spirit.
Teams are strongly encouraged to equip their robotic combatants with potent industrial-grade motors, robust protective armor, and ingeniously engineered weaponry, all meticulously designed to disable their opponent.
The battleground will take the form of a square platform, measuring 13 feet by 13 feet in size. This arena foundation will consist of either wood or a metal/concrete composite, and it will be enclosed by Chain cage on all sides to ensure safety.
The competition follows a tournament format based on eliminations. , Where the victorious participant advances to the next round or match. The defeated team is removed from the competition. This process repeats until one team emerges as the ultimate champion, claiming the winner's title.
A robot is considered immobile if it fails to exhibit linear motion of at least one inch within a 30-second time frame. If both robots remain mobile at the end of the round, the winner will be subjectively determined.
Any robot that is deemed unsafe by the judges after the match begins will be disqualified, resulting in a loss.